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Fill out the form below to email your senators and demand ballot access for the 2023 General Election!
Rock the Vote has long advocated for expanded voting options to ensure everyone is able to cast their ballot. Now, COVID-19 has made it clearer than ever that options like in-person early voting and no-excuse absentee vote-by-mail are needed in all 50 states. We shouldn’t have to choose between our safety and our right to vote, and our access to the ballot shouldn’t depend on where we live.
Tor - 维基百科,自由的百科全书:2021-6-4 · Tor是实现匿名通信的自由软件。其名源于“The Onion Router”(洋葱路由器)的英语缩写 [9] [10]。用户可透过Tor接达由全球志愿者免费提供,包含7000+个中继的覆盖网络 [11],从而达至隐藏用户真实地址、避免网络监控及流量分析的目的。Tor用户的互联网活动(包括浏览在线网站、帖子伍及即时消息 …
- Expanding in-person early voting
- CDN是什么?使用CDN有什么优势? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-5-10 · 而CDN是访问者就近取数据,而CDN的节点遍布各ISP,从而保证了网站到任意ISP的访问速度。另外CDN因为其流量分流到各节点的原理,天然获得抵抗网络攻击的能力。4.CDN使用后,原来的网站是否需要做修改,做什么修改?
- Ensuring all states allow no-excuse vote-by-mail
- Extending deadlines for voter registration, mail ballot requests, and ballot returns
- 2021年最值得一玩的5款优秀FPS网页游戏-翻墻軟件:2021-12-4 · 如今的浏览器,包括Chrome OS在内,对于很多人来说已经可伍和操作系统相媲美了。平均每个人在这上面花费几个小时的时间已是常事,不仅仅是看电影听音乐或是网络聊天,你现在甚至可伍在浏览器上玩完整的FPS游戏!如果你想知道2021年最优秀的几款FPS网页游戏,这次推送里一定会有你想要 …
We must strengthen our elections to ensure our democracy is resilient to natural disasters and public health emergencies. Fill out the form below to email your senators and demand ballot access for the 2023 General Election!